Is Cheese Good For Osteoporosis

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Osteoporosis Diet Danger : The Cost Of Caffeine

Is Dairy Good for Your Bone Health?

Caffeine leaches calcium from bones, sapping their strength.

“You lose about 6 milligrams of calcium for every 100 milligrams of caffeine ingested,” Massey says.

That’s not as much of a loss as salt, but it’s worrisome, nonetheless. Caffeine is a particular problem when a woman doesnât get enough calcium each day to begin with.

The good news is that limiting caffeine intake to 300 milligrams a day while getting adequate calcium probably offsets any losses caffeine causes, Massey says.

Coffee is a major caffeine source. For example, a 16-ounce cup of coffee can provide 320 milligrams. High-caffeine sodas can contain up to 80 milligrams per can or more.

Although tea also contains caffeine, studies suggest it does not harm, and probably helps, bone density in older women, regardless of whether they add milk to the beverage. Researchers think that tea contains plant compounds that protect bone.

Ready to curb caffeine? Here are some tips:

  • Wean yourself from coffee by drinking half regular and half-decaf drinks to start
  • Avoid caffeine-laden drinks
  • Reach for decaffeinated iced tea or hot tea
  • Splurge on a decaf, fat-free latte drink and get 450 milligrams of calcium in the bargain

Foods High In Vitamin K2

Unlike Vitamin K1, that is found in plants, Vitamin K2 is principally synthesized by bacteria. Before I identify the foods high in Vitamin K2, we need to spend a bit of time on the two most popular forms of Vitamin K2, namely MK-4 and MK-7 and explore their food sources.

Vitamin K2 MK-4 Food Sources

The MK-4 form of Vitamin K2 principally comes from grass-fed animals and can be found in:

  • Butter.
  • Dairy products such as milk.
  • Egg yolks.

Here is how MK-4 is produced by grass-fed animals : the animal consumes plant food containing Vitamin K1 and converts, in its gut, to the MK-4 form of Vitamin K2. It should be noted that, although humans can convert K1 to K2 in their gut, we are not near as efficient as grass-fed herbivores.

If you prefer to get your Vitamin K2 from animal-based sources, then you will need to consume their product. It is unlikely that you will generate enough MK-4 in your gut flora to meet the needs of your bones.

A few more points about MK-4:

  • The half-life of MK-4 is substantially less than that of its family member, MK-7, and as a result will stay in your body a shorter time.
  • Because of its short duration, you will likely have to take three daily doses of MK-4. One dose is adequate for MK-7.
  • The MK-4 you will find in dietary supplements is likely synthetic, whereas the MK-4 found is food is produced naturally by nature.

Vitamin K2 MK-4 Food Examples

Bovine Liver
  • MK-4: 6.8 µg
  • MK-10: 14 µg
Chicken Liver
  • MK-4: 14.1 µg
  • MK-4: 13.5 to 15.9 µg
Curd Cheese

More Examples Of Bone Healthy Food

Recent research has found that olive oil, soy beans, blueberries and foods rich in omega-3s, like fish oil and flaxseed oil may also have bone boosting benefits. While additional research is needed before the link between these foods and bone health can definitively be made, the many overall health benefits of these foods make them excellent choices to add to your diet. Studies have also shown that a moderate intake of certain alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages like wine, beer and tea may also be good for your bones. More research is also needed to better help us to better understand the relationship between these drinks and bone health.

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Osteoporosis Diet Danger : Some Popular Drinks

Many soft drinks and certain other carbonated soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which can increase calcium excretion in your urine. And nearly all soft drinks lack calcium. That combination spells trouble for women at risk of osteoporosis.

“Excess phosphorus promotes calcium loss from the body when calcium intake is low,” Massey explains.

The occasional soda is fine, but many people, particularly women, consume more than an occasional can or glass. To make matters worse, soft drink consumers may also avoid calcium-laden beverages that bolster bones, such as milk, yogurt-based drinks, and calcium and vitamin D fortified orange juice.

To prevent osteoporosis, instead sip these drinks:

  • Eight ounces of orange juice fortified with calcium and vitamin D
  • A mixture of fortified orange juice and seltzer or club soda that’s free of phosphoric acid
  • Fruit smoothie: Combine 8 ounces fat-free yogurt, one medium banana or a cup of fresh or frozen berries and 2 ice cubes in a blender or food processor
  • Fat-free plain or chocolate milk

Vitamin K2 And Anticoagulants

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The other word of caution is for individuals who are on anticoagulants or blood thinners such as warfarin . Both Vitamin K1 and K2 support blood clotting and might counteract the effects of an anticoagulants.

If you are on or plan to take an anticoagulant, you should speak with your physician about adding the recommended Vitamin K2 dosage for osteoporosis.

For example, one of our readers shared her story about working with her doctor to optimize her level of MK-7 so that did not interfere with the medication she was on for blood clotting.

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Vitamin K2 Mk7 Dosage Recommendations

The 2013 study in the Netherlands discussed above used a dosage of 0.18 mg/day of Vitamin K2 Mk7 supplements.

In his book, Vitamin K2: The Missing Nutrient for Heart and Bone Health, Dr. Dennis Goodman, a cardiologist in New York City, also recommends between 150 to 180 µg/day of MK-7 Vitamin K2 .

If you are not getting that level in your diet, you might consider supplementing. However, you should be cautious about the type of Vitamin K2 you take. Discuss your needs with your physician and take into account your health status and medical history.

What Are Other Ways To Prevent Osteoporosis

Your diet is not the only way to prevent osteoporosis and encourage strong bones. Certain supplements can increase your vitamin consumption and make sure you are getting the recommended daily amounts. Read more about the recommended supplements and how they can aid in osteoporosis prevention.

Osteoporosis has a strong genetic component, and even those with a robust bone health diet can still be susceptible to developing the condition. It is important to elect for bone density scans, also known as DEXA scans, to analyze your bone structure and watch for any decrease in density. Find out more about how DEXA scans work and how often you should receive them by reading our blog.

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The Top 5 Osteoporosis

By eating certain foods and avoiding others, you can enhance the strength of your bones, thus preventing the development of osteoporosis. Taking daily joint supplements can help relieve the inflammation that can lead to many joint problems.

Calcium and vitamin D are already well-known as key nutrients for bone health, so foods rich in those are ideal.

Magnesium: Magnesium is important because it plays a critical role in calcium metabolism. It helps calcium dissolve in the blood for more efficient transport and also stimulates the thyroids production of calcitonin, which is a bone-preserving hormone.

Magnesium also plays a vital role in the conversion of vitamin d to its active form. Lower magnesium levels are linked to lower bone density and increased risk of osteoporosis.

Vitamin K: The vitamin is necessary for your body to form a protein that is critical to healthy bone formation. Vitamin K also ensures that calcium remains in the bones and out of the arteries.

This makes calcium absorption more efficient. The presence of vitamin K ensures that bone density remains within healthy levels and reduces your risk of fractures.

Strontium: Not many are aware of this mineral, let alone its benefits. Strontium has been shown to increase bone mineral density.

Good For Mental Fatigue And Stress

Is Cheese Healthy? Is Cheese Good for You? Benefits of Cheese for Health | Cheese is Healthy for You

Modern science research has shown that cheese has positive effects on nervous system. It was discovered that trypsophan contained in cheese had a stress-lowering property.

With help of tryptophan, cheese helps to relax nerves and can also eliminate sleep problems by help of amino acids contains. Apart from all these, fact that cheese contains a large amount of zinc, potassium, phosphorus and selenium also contribute to protection of mental health.

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Vitamin K Heart Health Cancer Prevention And Alzheimers

While this article is focused on Vitamin K and osteoporosis, Vitamin K has a beneficial effect on your health beyond your bones, namely:

  • Cardiovascular Health. Researchers believe that Vitamin K helps shuttle calcium out of your arteries, thereby reducing the build up of calcium deposits in your cardiovascular system. A long term study of a group of people taking high levels of Vitamin K2 showed a significant reduction in the incidence of artery calcification and death from heart disease.
  • Cancer Prevention. Several research projects indicate that Vitamin K2, in particular, can play a role in reducing the risk of several cancers, including prostate and liver cancers.
  • Neurodegenerative Disease Prevention. There are indications that Vitamin K can prevent Alzheimers disease.

Osteoporosis Diet: Good And Bad Foods For Osteoporosis

A good bone health is essential for any individual to function in everyday life. If the bones in the body are not in good shape then performing even basic routine tasks of the day becomes a challenge. Vitamin C is what makes the bones strong and healthy but with time and age the bones in the body start to lose their vitality and become fragile and thus are prone to break even with a little amount of stress in them.

Osteoporosis is one such condition in which the bones become weak and fragile with age of an individual. Diet can play an important role in Osteoporosis. It is important for people suffering from Osteoporosis to know about the good and bad foods for osteoporosis. Physicians recommend regular intake of vitamin C once an individual cross the age of 30, especially females as this is when the wear and tear of the bones of the body starts. Along with vitamin supplements, the body also needs certain nutritious foods to keep the bones healthy.

In this article, we will discuss about Osteoporosis diet, good foods for osteoporosis that makes bones strong and healthier, and the foods that are bad for osteoporosis which one needs to avoid to keep the bones strong and healthy and cope with Osteoporosis and delay its progression.

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Foods To Avoid For Osteoporosis

Globally, osteoporosis causes more than 8.9 million fractures a year. That translates to roughly one osteoporotic fracture every three seconds.

And get this your diet could be contributing to your risk of osteoporosis.

Im afraid its true. And there are eight common foods in particular which you should be avoiding. .

But first, lets take a quick look at the diet in question. The Standard American Diet, or SAD. SAD affects your bones in two ways:

  • Its laden with bone-destroying refined sugars and carbohydrates. Many of these foods carry pro-inflammatory fats and chemicals that stimulate bone removing osteoclasts.
  • Its also criminally lacking in essential bone-building vitamins and minerals like calcium. High-nutrient foods like leafy greens, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are absent from much of the Standard American Diet too.
  • In fact, our Bone Health Expert Lara Pizzorno calls the Standard American Diet the perfect recipe for osteoporosis.

    The SAD eats your bones, in large part by causing chronic inflammation along with metabolic acidosis, an acidic pH in the body that results in calcium being withdrawn from bone to restore a more alkaline state, she says in an excerpt from her new bone health book.

    Obviously, thats bad news for your bone density.

    So with that in mind, weve answered the question: what foods are bad for osteoporosis? Cutting out these foods will not only support your bone health but improve your overall health too.

    Cola-Type Sodas

    Why Does The Body Need Calcium

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    Calcium is the healthy bone mineral. About 99% of the calcium in the body is stored in the bones and teeth. It’s the mineral that makes them hard and strong. The remaining 1% is needed for many activities that help keep the body functioning normally. Calcium helps blood vessels contract and expand, makes muscles contract, helps send messages through the nervous system and helps glands secrete hormones.

    Bones are constantly being remodeled every day, and calcium moves in and out of them. In children and adolescents, the body builds new bone faster than it breaks down old bone so total bone mass increases. This continues until about age 30, when new bone formation and old bone breakdown start occurring at about the same rate. In older adults, especially in post-menopausal women, bone is broken down at a faster rate than it’s built. If calcium intake is too low, this can contribute to osteoporosis.

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    What Are The Best Ways To Get Enough Calcium

    The best way to get enough calcium every day is to eat a variety of healthy foods from all the different food groups. Getting enough vitamin D every day from foods like enriched milk or from natural sunlight is important to help the body absorb and use calcium from food.

    Here are some easy guidelines for selecting foods high in calcium:

    • Dairy products have the highest calcium content. Dairy products include milk, yogurt and cheese. A cup of milk contains 300 mg of calcium. The calcium content is the same for skim, low fat and whole milk.
    • Dark green, leafy vegetables contain high amounts of calcium. Broccoli, kale and collards are all good sources of calcium, especially when eaten raw or lightly steamed.
    • A serving of canned salmon or sardines has about 200 mg of calcium. It’s found in the soft bones of the fish.
    • Cereal, pasta, breads and other food made with grains may add calcium to the diet. Look for cereals that are fortified with minerals, including calcium.
    • Besides cereal, calcium is sometimes added to fruit juices, soy and rice beverages and tofu. Read product labels to find out if a food item has added calcium.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that everyone aged 9 years and older eat three servings of foods from the dairy group per day.

    1 serving of dairy equals:

    • 1 cup milk.
    • 1 cup yogurt.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 11/29/2020.


    Legumes And Wheat Bran

    Although legumes are rich in calcium and magnesium, they also contain phytates. Like oxalate phytates bind to calcium and reduce its absorption in the intestine.

    If you must eat legumes , soak them in water for some hours before cooking. This allows most of the phytate content to leach away into the water.

    Wheat bran also contains phytates and, therefore, prevents the absorption of calcium. Because wheat bran is usually taken with other foods, it can interfere with the absorption of calcium present in those foods.

    Therefore, wheat bran can reduce the absorption of calcium from milk and even calcium supplements.

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    Meat And Other High Protein Foods

    Its important to get enough, but not too much protein for bone health and overall health. Many older adults do not get enough protein in their diets and this may be harmful to bones. However, special high protein diets that contain multiple servings of meat and protein with each meal can also cause the body to lose calcium. You can make up for this loss by getting enough calcium for your bodys needs. For example dairy products, although high in protein, also contain calcium that is important for healthy bones.

    Great Dutch Gouda Cheese Health Benefits That Tasteful

    Is Dairy Good For You?
    • Post author Scientific review: Dr Heben’s Team

    As a product that comes from Gouda, Nederland, this Dutch Gouda cheese health benefits has been known in this country since years ago. Therefore, it is a common that Dutch people consume the cheese for their traditional cuisine. Furthermore, the taste is good enough so that not only consider the benefits, but they also love the taste too.

    Currently, the Gouda cheese has been produced in many places. This is to accommodate the worlds demand on the consumption of this kind of cheese. Furthermore, it taste better when blend with many type of meals. Whether salad, casseroles, bread, and many more. For more information on the Dutch Gouda cheese health benefits, see below explanation.

    How to Consume Dutch Gouda Cheese

    If want to consume the cheese as daily diet, there are a lot of ways to enjoy it. Below are some common lists of how to preserve the cheese in any meals.

    • The cheese can be mix with the salad. So that it can bring optimum benefits.
    • Some people use the cheese for consume spaghetti or lasagna.
    • The cheese also able to consume with bread or casserole.
    • It also a good alternative to consume the cheese as a dessert.

    Nutrient Content of Dutch Gouda Cheese

    In each one serving size of the cheese, or about 28 gram, will contain below lists of nutrient:

    • 110 calories

    The details Dutch Gouda cheese health benefits are as mention in below lists:

    1. High Calcium

    2. Strength Bone

    3. Nutrient Supply

    5. Strength Teeth

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    Osteoporosis Diet List Of Foods And Foods To Avoid

    Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone system of the body, so the osteoporosis diet should be directed to supply it with the necessary foods. To restore and maintain healthy bones, a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D should be delivered daily. Moreover, they must do this simultaneously. Calcium is the main building material of bone tissue, and vitamin D acts as a conduit, responsible for its assimilation. It is also important to include in the menu products rich in zinc and magnesium, improving metabolic processes in bone tissue and preventing loss of calcium.

    How much calcium do I need? Children at least 1000 mg per day, adults 800-1200 mg.

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