What Cheese Can I Eat If I Am Lactose Intolerant

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Eating Out When Lactose Intolerant

Cheeses You Can Still Eat If Youre Lactose Intolerant

You can still dine out while following a lactose-free diet. Ask your server if there’s a guide for the menu that shows you which foods contain milk. Or let your host know which foods you’re avoiding. Take a lactase supplement in case dairy ingredients slip in. Eat simply. For example, skip cream sauces and dairy condiments like sour cream.

Symptoms Of Lactose Intolerance

Symptoms of lactose intolerance include:

  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhoea.

If you are experiencing these symptoms and you are concerned, talk to your doctor.

It is important not to eliminate dairy foods completely from your diet if lactose intolerance is suspected, as dairy foods are rich sources of nutrients. Some dairy products contain no lactose, and others contain very little. Many people with lactose intolerance can tolerate small amounts of lactose with minimal symptoms.

How Do I Know If Processed Foods Contain Lactose

When buying food, read the ingredients on food labels carefully. Ingredients derived from milk that contain lactose include:

  • Whey.
  • Nonfat dry milk.
  • Dry milk powder.

Also avoid items that state “may contain milk” on the food label. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you may need to avoid or limit foods containing these ingredients.

The following ingredients come from milk and do not contain lactose:

  • Casein
  • Lactate
  • Lactic acid

Lactose is also present in about 20% of prescription medications, such as birth control pills , and about six percent of over-the-counter medications, such as some tablets for stomach acid and gas. Viactiv® calcium chews contain lactose and should be avoided while following a lactose-free diet.

These medications usually affect only people with severe lactose intolerance. Ask your healthcare provider which medications contain lactose, and read the labels on over-the-counter medications to check their lactose content.

Foods that contain lactose in small quantities include:

  • Bread and baked goods.

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Take Control Of Your Diet

Take control of your meals by brown bagging it rather than struggling to find something that you can eat on a menu. When cooking at home, you can replace milk in recipes with lactose-free milk. You can also buy a cookbook that features lactose-free recipes and start trying them. Many classic recipes can be adapted to fit a lactose-intolerant diet. Control the ingredients that go in the meal and you may be surprised at how much variety you can eat.

Eat Yogurt For Less Lactose

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If you have lactose intolerance, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that you choose dairy products with less lactose, such as yogurt with active bacterial cultures. “Yogurt may cause less bloating because much of the lactose has already been broken down by its ‘good’ bacteria,” explains Dr. Barto. However, frozen yogurt does not have active cultures, so it may not fit into your lactose intolerance diet.

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Can I Become Lactose Intolerant Over Time

It is fairly common to develop lactose intolerance during adulthood. And if your parents are lactose intolerant, you may be at a higher risk of developing it. Another factor that may influence whether or not you develop lactose intolerance is your ethnic background. People of East Asian descent are likely to develop lactose intolerance as well as people of Jewish, Greek, Italian, Arab, or West African descent. It is quite rare for babies to be lactose intolerant since they depend on milk for all their nutrients. If you suspect you or a loved one is lactose intolerant you can ask your doctor to check using a hydrogen breath test or lactose intolerance test.

Dairy Foods That Are Naturally Low In Lactose

People with lactose intolerance often avoid eating dairy products.

This is usually because they are concerned that dairy may cause unwanted and potentially embarrassing side effects.

However, dairy foods are very nutritious, and not all of them are high in lactose.

This article explores 6 dairy foods that are low in lactose.

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How Can I Maintain A Balanced Diet

Milk and dairy products are a major source of calcium, an essential nutrient for the growth and repair of bones and teeth throughout life. Calcium is also essential for blood to clot normally, muscles and nerves to function properly, and the heart to beat normally.

People who are lactose-intolerant don’t necessarily have to consume milk and dairy products to get the calcium they need to maintain proper nutrition.

If you have trouble consuming enough calcium-rich foods in your daily diet, talk to your healthcare provider or a Registered Dietitian about taking a calcium supplement. The amount of calcium you will need from a supplement will depend on how much calcium you are consuming through food sources.

The following foods contain calcium:


Lactose Intolerance And Cream Cheese

6 signs you might be lactose intolerant

Lactose intolerance does not necessarily mean you cannot eat cream cheese. Every person diagnosed with lactose intolerance experiences a different degree of intolerance. Some people can eat 1 tablespoon of cream cheese with no symptoms, but cannot handle 2 tablespoons. Follow an elimination diet to determine the degree of your lactose intolerance, under a doctor’s supervision.

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Cheeses You Can Eat If Youre Lactose Intolerant

Engin Akyurt/Pexels

Being lactose intolerant is not the end of the world. OK, maybe for a cheesemonger, but how often does that happen? An individual who is lactose intolerant cannot digest lactose, aka the naturally occurring disaccharide sugar found in milk.

Not being able to digest lactose adequately makes it uncomfortable for the person to consume dairy products such as ice cream, milk, or cheese. Ugh, cheese. Thats the real gut-wrenching truth. But dont be so quick to rule out all cheese from your diet, fellow lactose intolerant people. There are actually 10 kinds of cheese you can eat. We spoke with Jennifer May, BHSc , founder and director of Sydney City Nutritionist and Food Intolerance Australia, to learn more about lactose intolerance and how to safely add cheese to your diet.

Can You Eat Pizza If You Are Lactose Intolerant

Each patient has a different level of intolerance. It is possible to eat pizza without presenting any symptoms, while another person can take some precautionary measures before eating pizza. Cheese is easier to digest, but for some people with severe intolerance, eating pizza can lead to symptoms .

If a patient with this condition continues to take lactose, this will cause irritation and inflammation in their intestine increasingly difficult to cure, leading to cause symptoms beyond the localized in the gastrointestinal system. It happens very often that the patient is not aware of their sickness they think their condition is normal since theyve lived in that way for a certain period of time.

This was a few years ago, however, the situation has advanced considerably. Every day we listen and read more about this topic, and we are even getting used to see in the supermarkets different variants of dairy products, lactose-free products and references to milk intolerance.

The effects and time in which the disease manifests vary depending on each patient of the person´s sensitivity and their tolerance level. There are even people with low tolerance levels who tolerate certain foods with little lactose such as cheeses or yoghurts.

Fortunately, in most cases the treatment consists of suppressing foods that have lactose in the diet and above all, be patient because lactose is everywhere!

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List Of Foods That Lactose Intolerant People Can Eat

A diagnosis of lactose intolerance means that your body lacks the ability to digest lactose, a sugar that occurs naturally in cow’s milk. An estimated 30 million to 50 million Americans have lactose intolerance, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Though lactose is present in a vast assortment of foods, ranging from milk, yogurt and cheese to various bread products and lunch meats, numerous other foods fit well within a lactose-free diet.

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Fruits and vegetables provide rich amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Since fruits and vegetables are naturally free of lactose, enjoy a variety of types and colors regularly to reap broad dietary benefits. Fruits and vegetables richest in nutrients include apricots, apples, berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, papaya, cantaloupe, tomatoes, spinach, kale, mustard greens, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, legumes, bell peppers and asparagus. Dried fruit, frozen fruit bars and pure fruit and vegetable juices are also lactose-free.

Dietary fats play an important role in wellness. Fats are necessary for the absorption of many nutrients and support healthy skin, hair and brain function. Select healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, plant-based oils and avocados, to help prevent blood pressure and cholesterol problems. When consumed on their own, nuts, seeds and oils are naturally free of lactose. Almonds and almond butter are examples of lactose-free fat sources that also provide calcium.

How Is Lactose Intolerance Diagnosed

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The most common test for the diagnosis of lactase deficiency is the hydrogen breath test. This test is done at an outpatient clinic or doctor’s office. In practice, many doctors will ask patients who suspect they have lactose intolerance to avoid milk and dairy products for 1 or 2 weeks to see if their symptoms subside, and will then confirm the diagnosis with the hydrogen breath test. The hydrogen breath test measures the amount of hydrogen in the breath after drinking a lactose-loaded beverage.

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Here Are A Few Dairy Products Which Can Be Better Tolerated By People With Lactose Intolerance:

1. Hard aged cheese

Harder cheese products like cheddar, Paremesan and Swiss cheese can be eaten by people with lactose intolerance. Harder cheese are aged for such a long time that their lactose gets broken down over the years. This happens because of the enzymes in hard cheese which break down more and more lactose over time. This is the reason that cheese like cheddar, Parmesan and Swiss don’t taste sweet. They contain very low levels of lactose and hence lactose intolerant people might not be that intolerant to hard aged cheese.

Also read: What Is The Difference Between Dairy And Lactose?

2. Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product which is the more easily digested as compared to other dairy sources of lactose. This is because the bacteria needed to produce yogurt breaks down lactose and reduces incidence of unpleasant symptoms related to lactose intolerance. Yogurt can be used to make a variety of dips and desserts. But make sure that you take yogurt which has probiotics or live active cultures marked on the label. These bacteria are important because they feed on sugar and break down a lot of lactose. People with lactose intolerance can probably try taking small servings of yogurt to see if they can tolerate it.

3. Butter

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4. Buttermilk

5. Kefir or quark

Why Are Some People Sensitive To Dairy

As much as it may seem, being sensitive to dairy is not a punishment. Its just how life unfolds for about 65% of the worlds adult population. Thats over half of the people on this planet! Youll know if youre lactose intolerant if you start to get symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, bloating, gas, and diarrhea soon after eating dairy. But its always best to get a proper diagnosis from a medical professional before making assumptions. After all, dairy is an essential source of calcium and other nutrients. So why do these symptoms happen to some people and not others after consuming dairy?

Lactase is the enzyme required for the breakdown of lactose. Most of us have sufficient amounts as infants due to the presence of lactose in mothers milk, explains Jennifer. However, it is normal for lactase to decline with age. By adulthood, numbers may have reduced to the level where digestive distress is experienced from the intake of high-lactose foods.

Lactose intolerance can develop over time. Its just your bodys natural way of saying handle with care. Your ethnicity might also have something to do with developing lactase deficiency, particularly if you have roots in Asia or Africa.

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Lactose Intolerance And You

If you have lactose intolerance, it means that your body has trouble breaking down lactose, the natural sugar in milk. You may be able to tolerate some dairy products, but you will also want to stick to a safe lactose intolerance diet. “Avoidance is the best treatment for lactose intolerance, but you need to be sure to get enough calcium in your diet,” says Amy E. Barto, MD, a gastroenterologist at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass. “You can do this by supplementing your diet with the right food choices.” Find out about the smart and delicious food swaps you can make that will help you avoid lactose intolerance symptoms like gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

What Are The Symptoms Of Lactose Intolerance


Symptoms of lactose intolerance include nausea, cramps, gas, bloating, or diarrhea within 30 minutes to 2 hours after consuming milk or dairy products. Symptoms occur because there is not enough lactase being produced by the body to digest the lactose consumed. The severity of symptoms varies, depending on the amount of lactose an individual person can tolerate. Some people may be sensitive to extremely small amounts of lactose-containing foods while others can eat larger amounts before they notice symptoms.

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What Makes Cabot Cheeses Naturally Lactose

To start, its important to know that lactose is simply the natural sugar found in milk. To understand how cheese becomes lactose-free, first look to the cheesemaking process. To begin, curd is separated from whey . The curd eventually becomes cheese and the whey is removed . The small amount of lactose that remains in the curd breaks down over time as the cheese ages, resulting in an aged cheese thats naturally lactose-free. So, cheeses that undergo this natural aging process like cheddar contain little to no lactose.

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How Do I Manage Lactose Intolerance

You cannot prevent or cure lactose intolerance, but there are several ways to manage your symptoms of lactose intolerance so that you can still enjoy the milk or dairy products that you love!

  • Add small amounts of dairy to your dietover time to see how your body reacts
  • Eat dairy products with other foods for example, milk with cereal
  • Try foods with less lactosesuch as hard cheeses or cultured milk products such as yogurt
  • Drink lactose reduced, lactose free milk, or use a dairy milk alternative such as almond, soy, or flaxseed in your coffee or with your cereal
  • Check the nutrition label for dairy products listed in their ingredients
  • Using OTC dietary supplements such as Lactaid with your first bite of dairy products to help your body break down lactose from milk products and prevent symptoms

If you are lactose intolerant and cant consume any milk or milk products, it is important to talk to your doctor and pharmacist about whether or not you should take calcium and vitamin D supplements to avoid developing deficiencies.

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Make Better Cheese Choices

With lactose intolerance, you can still eat cheese, but choose carefully. Hard, aged cheeses like Swiss, parmesan, and cheddars are lower in lactose. Other low-lactose cheese options include cottage cheese or feta cheese made from goat or sheep’s milk. Certain types of cheeses — especially soft or creamy ones like ricottta and cream cheese — are higher in lactose. If you want to avoid dairy completely, try lactose-free and dairy-free cheeses.

Lactose Intolerance In Children

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If your child is lactose intolerant, they may be able to consume small amounts of lactose without experiencing symptoms.

This is quite safe, but you may need to experiment to find out how much they can comfortably eat or drink.

If your child is unable to tolerate any lactose, your doctor may refer you to a dietitian for nutritional advice.

This is because it’s important for young children to have certain nutrients in their diet to ensure healthy growth and development.

In general, the same rules about foods to try or avoid are similar for children and adults.

For babies with lactose intolerance, lactose-free formula milk is available to buy from pharmacies and supermarkets.

But soya formula is not recommended for children under 6 months because it contains hormones that may interfere with your baby’s future physical and sexual development.

Breastfed babies may benefit from lactase substitute drops to help their bodies digest the lactose in breast milk.

For many children, lactose intolerance is only temporary and will improve after a few weeks.

After this point, it’s safe to gradually reintroduce milk and dairy products into their diet.

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Nearly 65% Of The Human Population Struggles With Lactose Intolerance

These poor souls try their best to avoid dairy and the physical discomfort that comes with itnot to mention dealing with the uniquely profound emotional distress that comes from feeling like youve been cursed to a life without cheeseor have you?

What is lactose and why are some people intolerant?

Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy products. In the body, lactose is broken down into simple sugars by an enzyme called lactase. People are lactose intolerant when their bodies dont make enough lactase. Without lactase, the lactose cant be properly digested and causes gastrointestinal distress. Some people are more intolerant than othersit all depends on how much lactase your body is able to make.

Does this mean lactose intolerants can never have cheese?

Were happy to report there are some cheeses that lactose intolerant individuals can still enjoy without gastrointestinal consequence.

While fresher cheeses have a high percentage of lactose, aged cheeses have much of their lactose transformed into less harmful lactic acid. Lactose is also separated and drained off with the whey during the aging process, which brings the lactose percentage down with it.

What cheeses can lactose intolerant folks eat?

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