Where To Buy Gouda Cheese
Excellent Gouda options of all ages are available online from www.igourmet.com and www.murrayscheese.com and www.cheeselandinc.com. If you prefer to try before you buy, a cheese counter at your local Whole Foods or specialty cheesemonger.
Some very young Gouda-style cheeses by supermarket brands like Sargento and Boars Head are available at most Deli Counters, but they do not rival the flavor that an imported Dutch Gouda will achieve.
The Difference Between Young And Aged Gouda
A Gouda is considered young when it is aged for a period of between four weeks and nine months. Aged Gouda is anything that is stored longer than nine months before it is served. Two years typically is the longest aging period for Gouda.
Sweet and mild, a young Gouda has a higher moisture content and a pleasingly smooth texture. If youre looking for an ideal, everyday eating cheese, a young Gouda is perfect.
Aged Gouda has a texture that is more akin to parmesan as it becomes more crumbly with time. Thanks to the extended aging process, this cheese will develop the crunchy cheese crystals as well as a caramel, nutty flavor.
Both of these options are delicious, but quite different from each other, making it imperative that you give them both a try.
Salt And Moisture Diffusion
Brining of Gouda cheese takes place by immersing the cheese loaves in a strong salt solution, typically about 18% NaCl . During the brining process cheese loaves absorb salt, concomitantly a considerable amount of moisture is lost. Since the process of salt uptake and moisture loss takes place at the edges of the loaves, steep salt and moisture gradients develop between the surface and centre of the cheese that persist during the rest of the production and remain during ripening. With respect to taste attributes the moisture and salt content in the centre is relevant. Moreover, different brining/drying combinations result in approximately the same moisture and salt content, causing differences in taste. Understanding of the local behaviour of salt/moisture inside the cheese throughout the brining process and during storage is therefore important.
The cheese is approximated as a porous matrix containing a mixture of water and salt . The general MaxwellStefan transport equation for a solution in a porous matrix is given by Equation 24.1 :
where R is the universal gas constant, T is the temperature and a is the activity, which is defined as the molar concentration x multiplied by the activity coefficient . The activity of the salt solution is described by the Debye-Hückel relations .
The molar flux of component i is defined in Equation 24.3:
Timothy P. Guinee, Patrick F. Fox, in, 2017
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Is Vegan Cheese Sustainable
Vegan cheese is simply more sustainable than dairy cheese because plant-based foods require far less land and water than dairy.
According to a 2021 life cycle assessment for the European-based vegan brand Violife, their vegan cheese reduces American consumers climate impact by around 50% and uses less than 30% of the land required to cultivate dairy cheese.
Still, vegan cheese does have a carbon footprint. Nuts are one of the most resource-intensive foods vegans consume.
Soy, the other main ingredient in vegan cheese, is also associated heavily with the deforestation of the Amazonalthough the vast majority of soy goes to livestock feed, not to humans.
For plant-based eaters concerned with animal welfare, non-dairy cheese clearly takes the cake. No animals are confined or killed, and per unit of protein produced, the water and land usage is far more productive than it is for animal proteins.
A History Of Gouda Cheese
Goudas satisfying crunch and caramelized sweetness are no accidents. In fact, this is one of the oldest and most fascinating cheeses on the planet.
Research reveals that classic Gouda cheese has been produced since 1184. Accordingly, this type of cheese is one of the oldest that is still being regularly made and enjoyed today.
Traditionally, Gouda was made using cows milk. Other milk may be used in the cheese-making process today, such as goat, but some purists swear by cows milk as being the absolute pinnacle of Gouda recipes.
Goudas origins are in the lush, green pastures of the Dutch countryside where contented cows have resided for hundreds of years. Cows thrive here, and their abundance helps to account for the long-standing popularity of Gouda in Holland and elsewhere around the globe.
Gouda cheese actually takes its name from a town located in the southern portion of Holland. The town of Gouda is where the cheese initially was distributed rather than where people produced it. Back in the 12th century in Holland, certain towns had been given the exclusive rights to weigh and sell cheese in the marketplace. Gouda was one, and if you have ever head of Edam cheese, then you are familiar with another Dutch town that had the right to distribute cheese.
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Initial Level Of Biogenic Amine Producers And Presence Of Inhibitory Bacteria
In a Gouda cheese making experiment carried out adding different Lb. buchneri St2A inocula to milk, it was observed that higher inocula resulted in higher populations of the biogenic amine producer in 3-month-old cheese . Control cheese from non-inoculated milk did not contain histamine after 3 months of ripening, whereas experimental cheeses showed increasing histamine concentrations , which were related to the inoculum size but not directly proportional to it . Factors such as Enterobacteriaceae counts, water activity and free amino acid concentration were shown to influence the production of biogenic amines in Gauda cheese .
Complete inhibition of histamine formation in cheese by Lb. buchneri St2A occurred when lactic acid bacteria producing bacteriocins inhibitory to the biogenic amine producer were added to milk, even though histidine was present at concentrations of 167475 mg kg1 . One of the bacteriocin producers used was a tyrosine decarboxylase-negative Enterococcus faecalismutant, selected to circumvent tyramine production when used as adjunct culture . Production of tyramine by E. faecalis and histamine by Streptococcus thermophilus in liquid culture was decreased by inoculation of Lactococcus lactis bacteriocin-producing strains .
M. Verschueren, … P. de Jong, in, 2007
I Started Making Goat Cheese
My childhood love of goats and good cheese were the perfect recipe for becoming an artisan cheesemaker. Milking three goats for a decade, with each goat producing over a gallon of milk a day, I was drowning in milk. Even after feeding a hungry family of five all the milk we could drink and making easy, soft cheese like Chèvre and yogurt, milk started stacking up in our fridge. So, I experimented with making hard cheeses in my kitchen.
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What Is Gouda Cheese Good With
Gouda cheese is a perfect match with fruits, crackers, bread and mustard. If you enjoy Goudas complex nutty flavor, you can it an aged Gouda cheese on its own.
Depending on Gouda cheese age, it can be paired with beer, wine or whiskey. For beer, Gouda goes well with brown or amber ales, which have nutty and caramel flavor.
Aged Gouda cheese pair well with doppelbock, Belgium dubble, or a stout that has roasted coffee and chocolate flavor.
Gouda cheese goes well with a single malt scotch from Speuside. An aged Gouda pair well with an aged bourbon or rye whiskey or a Highland scotch. A smoke Gouda cheese is good with a peated scotch or whiskey.
See more:
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How Does Gouda Cheese Taste
The taste of gouda cheese is quite remarkable. The longer it has been aged, the stronger and sharper flavor it gets. Young gouda cheese has a mild and slightly sweet taste. The texture of gouda cheese can be hard, semi-hard, or soft, depending on its age.
When gouda cheese is aged for longer, you will find a buttery and nutty taste while eating it. Moreover, the texture and color of aged gouda cheese also become harder and darker.
Sometimes, you will find that the flavor of different gouda cheese might not be the same since the process of making gouda cheese can alter the ingredients, making its taste change a little bit.
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Smell That It’s The Yummy Stink Of A Lower
- University of Colorado
- University of Pisa
- University of Tennessee
The explosion of vegan options in the dairy department is thanks to a booming interest in plant-based food. According to the Plant Based Foods Association, vegan cheese saw a 7% increase in sales in 2021, growing faster than its animal-based counterpart.
But what exactly is vegan cheese? Most versions use plant fats and proteins along with thickeners and additional flavors to simulate the taste and mouthfeel of dairy cheese without any animal products.
Here, we break down the most common vegan cheese ingredients, the vegan cheese-making process, the types of vegan cheeses available, and how vegan cheese compares to dairy cheese in terms of sustainability.
Some Useful Tips For Gouda Cheese Pairings
Not only can gouda cheese be a great ingredient in many dishes, but you can also eat gouda on its own. For young gouda, you can serve with stone fruits or fresh apples. Moreover, beer is also a perfect pair with young gouda cheese.
On the other hand, it is ideal to combine matured gouda cheese with sparkling cider or a Chenin Blanc, while it would be best if aged gouda cheese is served with dried fruits or deep wine red.
Does the information in this post satisfy your needs? I hope this is all the information you are finding. If youre interested in this exciting knowledge, give me a share to your friends and relatives who havent still tried this amazing cheese.
If you have ever tried gouda cheese and have new ideas about its taste, or you have any queries about gouda cheese, please leave a comment to let me know.
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Provides Large Amounts Of Vitamin K2
There are two distinct types of vitamin K
- Vitamin K1
- Vitamin K2
Vitamin K1 is present in a large variety of plant-based foods, and green vegetables are an especially good source.
On the other hand, we can find vitamin K2 in animal foods and foods that undergo bacterial fermentation such as natto and sauerkraut. Among animal-based foods, aged hard cheese is particularly high in vitamin K2 .
Additionally, vitamin K2 is much easier for the human body to absorb than vitamin K1, and it has a longer half-life in the body. On this note, peer-reviewed research suggests that K2 may be up to 10x more bioavailable than K1 .
While research on vitamin K2 is still in its relative infancy, the compound is thought to be important for cardiovascular and skeletal health. Most notably, research indicates that higher vitamin K2 intake may reduce the risk of arterial calcification, which can lead to heart disease .
On the positive side, Gouda cheese is one of the best dietary sources of vitamin K2.
If vitamin K2 is of interest, then Jarlsberg cheese appears to provide the most concentrated source of this nutrient.
How Much Vitamin K2 Does Gouda Provide?
In recently published research on the menaquinone content of cheese, we can see that Gouda provides more vitamin K2 than most other cheese varieties.
Based on the data from this research, the table below shows the vitamin K2 content of various types of cheese .
Vitamin K2 Content of Gouda vs. Other Types of Cheese
Type of Cheese |
Why Is Everyone So Sweet On Gouda Cheese Anyway
When I worked behind the cheese counter and didnt know exactly what cheese would make someone happy, a taste of super-aged Gouda almost always did the trick. Those little crystals provide a satisfying crunch, and the caramelized sweetness make this kind of Gouda taste almost like cheese candy. Win!
Gouda is one of the worlds most popular cheeses, and one of the Netherlands most beloved exports. Born in Holland, today Gouda is a broad category that includes many styles, from artisan produced farmhouse cheeses to factory-made wheels, from small Dutch towns to northern Wisconsin. Traditionally a cows milk cheese, producers now craft wheels with cow, sheep, or goats milk. The cheese can be milky, fresh, and young, or aged for many years for that unique sweet, concentrated flavor.
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What Is The Origin Of Gouda Cheese
It wont be a surprise for you if we tell you that this cows milk cheese gets its name from the town Gouda, in Holland. Is it? Well, it is true. In Europe, this product became very popular from the 12th century Thats how far back its history goes! Gouda is therefore an old cheese. Back then, gouda was made by farmers in the surrounding polders . Artisan cheese makers from the farms would bring their cheeses to the city center to sell them on the market.
Since then, this Dutch cheese won the hearts of Europeans, but also Americans. You love it, we know it!
Now that you know more about the story of the origin of gouda, here are some key points to know about this cheese.
Is Gouda Cheese Goat Or Cow
Traditional Dutch Gouda is made with cows milk, but goats milk versions are now commonplace. The production process is similar. The milk is pasteurized, cultured and curdled. To achieve a dense, tight texture and produce a wheel with aging potential, the cheesemakers must encourage the curds to expel their whey.
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How To Make A Cheese Sauce
Making a cheese sauce is actually easy and it is a great staple since cheese sauce can be used on pasta, rice, veggies and, of course, fries. It is easy and fun to vary the taste of your cheese sauce just be using different kinds of cheeses.
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To make the smoked Gouda cheese sauce I started by making a simple cream sauce, combining butter and flour in a small saucepan. I put the sauce pan on low, and used a whisk to combine the flour with the butter as it melted.
Once the butter and flour are smooth it is time to add some milk. I slowly stirred the milk into the butter mixture and turned the burner heat up to medium.
This is the only even slightly complicated part of the making the cheese sauce, since you do need to keep stirring the mixture while it heats up. After about 3 minutes the milk starts to bubble and thicken, at which point it can be removed from the heat.
Then I stirred in some creamy, shredded, smoked Gouda cheese into the milk mixture and stirred it with a wooden spoon until it all melted.
Edam Cheese Vs Gouda Cheese
Edam and Gouda are both originally Dutch cheeses which melt well making them good for sauces, soups and toppings. Edam is a sweet-curd cheese made from part skimmed milk, originally form the Edam area of North Amsterdam, usually packaged in a waxy red or black skin. Gouda is also a sweet-curd cheese from Holland but from the Southwest region of Amsterdam and usually sold with a thinner yellow skin.
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How To Actually Cut Different Kinds Of Cheese
If you arent sure how to cut and portion your block of cheese, Toth suggests studying it to get a sense of its texture and shape, and think about how to best cut it.
Its about functionality, Polowsky says: But then, theres the more nuanced, romantic side of whats going to look good.
Wheels can be evenly divided into wedges, blocks easily sliced into slabs, and triangular-shaped cheeses cut well into smaller triangles, for example. Runny and gooey cheeses, such as brie or Camembert, are difficult to cut into even pieces, so you can serve them in a full block or just cut in half.
Make surehowever you portionit includes at least a bit of the rind, Toth says about cheeses like manchego, brie, comte, or Gruyere.
In most cases, eating the rind is a personal preference, but keep in mind that some rindslike ones made of wax and clothmay not be palatable.
Depending on the type of cheese, Toth and Polowsky offer a few guidelines for cutting it up and serving:
Standard block with no rind: Simply cut it into cubes.
Crumbly cheeses: For aged gouda, feta, and Parmigiano-Reggiano, use a dull knife to pry off bite-sized chunks.
Simon Birt via Unsplash
Soft, wheel-shaped cheeses: Brie and Camembert may be ripe and runny, which makes them difficult to portion. Cutting these in half will offer an entry point. If its firmer, cut it into wedges.
Ball of mozzarella: Cut the ball in half, then slice it into half-moon shapes.
Different Kinds Of Gouda Cheese
- Oplegkaas: This is the only type of Gouda with PDO restriction. It is made from pasteurized cows milk and must be aged a minimum of two years.
- Boerenkaas: Boerenkaas is an artisanal variety of Gouda made from the unpasteurized milk of cows grazing on low valleys in the Netherlands. The farmers who manufacture these cheeses must follow strict traditional production rules.
- Gaskaas: This young Gouda is made from pasteurized milk and aged just a few weeks before it is considered ready to consume
- Overjarig: Aged 5 years or more, Overjarig develops tyrosine salt crystals and a rich flavor like toffee.
- Jong, Jong belegen, Belegen, Extra belegen, and Oud: Between Gaskaas and Overjarig are five additional types of Gouda, categorized according to the length of their aging time and the corresponding strength of flavor and firmness of texture.
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Types Of Gouda Cheese
Perhaps Id just never paid as much attention to cheese in America as I have since living in the Netherlands, but Ive noticed that the common classification of cheese in the grocery is either jong or oud . Digging a bit deeper, the Dutch actually classify their cheeses into six categories based on age:
- Young or NewGouda: aged 4 weeks
- Young MaturedGouda: 8 to 10 weeks
- MaturedGouda: 16 to 18 weeks
- ExtraMaturedGouda: 7 to 8 months
- Old or Fully MaturedGouda: 10 to 12 months
- Very Old or Very Aged Gouda: over 12 months